Boston Photo Walk Tour

Boston, Boston Photo Tour, Photo Tour

While visiting my Boston University student son a few years ago, I decided to take a local tour. My hotel room had a recent issue of Where Magazine which listed a tour company called Photo Walks ( The owner, Saba Alhadi, was delightful. It turned out to be a slow day for her, so I was her only client. She gave me a personal tour of the Back Bay and photo lessons on how to take the best shots of the sights.
Courtyard fountain at Boston Public Library
It was such a wonderful tour, I booked the Beacon Hill tour for the following day. This time there were three of us touring together with Saba. We had an interesting and informative tour with photo lessons. We strolled through the cobbled streets, taking pictures of the gorgeous architecture and amazing gardens of Boston.
Statue at Boston Public Gardens
Saba is a patient, kind tour guide and gifted photographer. Next time I am in Boston, I will definitely book one of her tours.
Flowers at Boston Public Gardens
Reflection of Architecture during Photo Tour
Look closely to see Saba and me.
Lovely historic street in Boston.
Boston Public Library
Historic Architecture meets Modern.
Love these historic homes.


  1. Morgan Tarpley Smith

    Lovely pictures, Carole! 🙂 I would love to go on a Boston photo tour!!

  2. Anonymous

    Your picture are amazing! I've always thought I would like to go to Boston; now I know I would like to some day. Thank you for sharing your experience!

  3. Carole Lehr Johnson

    Thank you for the kind comments! Boston is an amazing city. Hope you get the chance to visit–so much wonderful history.


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Carole writes inspirational fiction for lovers of tea and scones, castles and cottages, and all things British.


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