The Forgotten Seamstress


The Forgotten Seamstress
By Liz Trenow
3 1/2 out of 5
Historical Fiction

I was immediately drawn into this story by Liz Trenow’s story telling abilities. The Forgotten Seamstress is a dual time novel with the past beginning just before WWI. An orphan by the name of Maria has been blessed with a talent like few have with a sewing needle. Caroline Meadows is the present day protagonist who finds a quilt among her mother’s stored possessions that shows much the same talent as orphaned Maria. Caroline begins a quest to find out who pieced such an elegant and intricate piece.

The way Ms. Trenow weaves these two timelines together is so seamless and intriguing that it makes it near impossible to put the book down. My only negative with this novel is one instance she uses a very nasty innuendo when she confronts a homeless person regarding the missing quilt. No real issues occur again until it is near the end where Caroline gets very angry and uses several bits of profanity. Such a talented author as Ms. Trenow does not need to use language like this to show that her character is extremely angry. Her talent at writing is evident.

Ms. Trenow has a sophisticated writing style which I am drawn to. Much like Susanna Kearsley or Kate Morton.


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Carole writes inspirational fiction for lovers of tea and scones, castles and cottages, and all things British.


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