On October 26 and 27, I attended the East Texas Christian Writers Conference in Marshall, Texas. This being the second time I have attended, I basically knew what to expect. Since my first time one year ago, I have learned a great deal about the publishing industry. I went into it totally green around the gills and full of a lot of misinformation. I invited some new friends to attend this time and they were more than pleased with the conference.
Judy Chrisite ( http://www.judychristie.com/) gave a workshop on having a better writing life. Lexie Smith (http://www.lexicallight.com/) taught a social media class that was really enlightening for me since I did not grow up with all the technology. Terry Burns (http://www.terryburns.net/), an author and literary agent, expounded on the merits of creating an author’s persona–for those of us who are a bit shy about speaking out in order to promote our work. There were many others to choose from as well.