Interested in posting here?


Love the U.K. and writing too?

Then, please join me for a cuppa!
Hosted by Carole Lehr Johnson, The Teacup Journal is a place for talk of tea and scones, castles and cottages, and all things British – including great novels, of course!
And you’re invited to submit a post ranging from a recent trip via airplane or novel to a U.K. setting, a favorite scone recipe, or anything remotely of interest to an avid Anglophile. Published or unpublished – you’re welcome to submit!
Interested? Please leave a comment below with your name and email address! Thank you!

I hope you all have had a great summer. I apologize for my absence—my blog has suffered for many reasons which began in 2013. After much prayer and contemplation, I am ready to revamp my blog and get on with it!
I am inviting fellow Anglophiles to be guest bloggers and would like any input you may have. It doesn’t have to be a long post, just something brief (between 350-500 words with at least one photo) you would like to share about the many fascinating and historical highlights of anything British.
God bless,


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Carole writes inspirational fiction for lovers of tea and scones, castles and cottages, and all things British.


All Scheduled Events Cancelled. Stay tuned.

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